Date: June 22, 2025 Location: Allan Brooks Nature Centre
Webinar-Understanding Grief Through Existential Analysis
Please join us for a Professional Development Webinar from North Okanagan Hospice Society (NOHS) in collaboration with Wingfield Counselling & Psychotherapy Services.
By attending you will earn Continuing Education Credits (1 hr). Digital Certificate provided after attendance.
*Please note this is an online event, not in person.
Abstract: A common thread among various iterations of grief and bereavement theory is a rhetorical structure which describes grief as being a type of work, with tasks and phases that the grieving individual ought to accomplish in order to move past feelings of loss. Furthermore, there appears to be a common temptation to pathologize the individual process of grieving when one appears to be unable to move through these phases of grief.
As a response, this webinar aims to teach about a non-pathologizing approach to grief and bereavement through the phenomenological theory of Existential Analysis (EA): a comprehensive framework of four fundamental existential motivations (FMs) to understand our being in the world. The theme of the second fundamental motivation (FM2) pertains to one’s relationship with life (“Do I like being alive?”) experienced through one’s feelings and impulses which reveal one’s values. Naturally, the process of grief and bereavement is found here in FM2, as it is a loss of what makes life feel valuable and worth living.
After introducing participants to a summarized understanding of the EA framework, this webinar will offer an existential analytical understanding of grief, followed by practical suggestions for grief accommodation and end-of-life care.
Presenter: Sebastian Wingfield, MA, CCC
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