Date: June 22, 2025 Location: Allan Brooks Nature Centre
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (or FOIPPA for short) gives you the right to see many records kept by the provincial government ministries and other public bodies or organizations. Under FIPPA, privacy means maximizing, wherever possible, and to the extent that is reasonable, a citizen’s control over the collection, use and disclosure of his or her personal information. The Act applies to NOHS as a provider of service under the authority of a public body.
Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)
BC’s Personal Information Protection Act (or PIPA for short) gives you the right to see records held by organizations in the private sector in BC. Under PIPA, you may request that a private organization give you access to your personal information, or explain the ways in which your personal information has been used or to whom it has been disclosed. You may also request information about the organization’s privacy policy. The Act regulates the collection, use, protection and disclosure of private information.
North Okanagan Hospice Society strives to honour or exceed legal requirements of national and provincial regulations. If you have any concerns about the collection, use, protection or disclosure of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer, Lisa Matthews at [email protected] or (250) 503-1800 ext 106.