New developments in Nav-CARE: the Compassionate, Dementia Inclusive Communities toolkit Date: Mar 04, 2025 Time: 10:00 am PST Register:...
For Immediate Release
There were many “firsts” this year including sold out in 3 days with 348 guests, changing the venue to the Vernon Atrium Hotel & Conference Centre, being served a 4 course dinner, 3 judges providing feedback with out score cards for each performance and many fabulous auction items generously donated by Vernon Business Community.
The event showcases local Celebrity Dancers with big hearts and the drive to raise funds for the North Okanagan Hospice Society. Each Celebrity Dance couple was coached by Ruth & George Blencoe of Ruth McGrath Dance Studio and/or Tracy Kaye Holly of TKH Dance Co.
2016 Celebrity dancers include:
Barbara Nolan, Sam Nolan (first mother son duo) – Nolan’s Pharmasave
Leslie Nuyens, Phil Southward – Nucerity, Southward Medical Supplies
Bridget Trainor, Nick Vlahos – Community Supporter & Volunteer, Davidson Pringle Lawyers
Deb & Doug White – White House Mortgages, Watkins Ford
TL Buchberger, Darcy Sochan – Nucerity International, Century 21
Audrey & Ken Ingram – Allysian Sciences, AAA All Drywall and Paint Services
Charlene & Carlos O’Brien – Kidston Elementary, Swan Lake Nurseryland
Tracey Ross & Lisa Schofield – Silver Star Mountain/Sir Winston Pub, Diversity Dance and Performing Arts
Kerry & Tom Carlson – Interior Health, Teacher, Kelowna
Vicki & Dan Proulx – Lake City Casinos – Vernon, CIBC
All dance couples were asked to raise $5000 for Hospice. Shout out to each and every dancer for putting their best foot forward and to the following for meeting and/or exceeding $5000:
Barbara Nolan, Sam Nolan $10,622
Deb & Doug White $10,152
Leslie Nuyens, Phil Southward $ 9,025
Bridget Trainor, Nick Vlahos $ 8,555
TL Buchberger, Darcy Sochan $ 7,966
Award recipients:
Community Favourite – most votes purchased on line before the event- Barbara Nolan and Sam Nolan, $10262
Fan Favourite – determined by most votes purchased at the event – Deb & Doug White, $2740
Judges’ Favourite – most points awarded to celebrity dancers by the judges – Vicki & Dan Proulx
The Judges did an outstanding job keeping everyone entertained while providing positive yet constructive feedback with humour and pizzazz. The judges were Head Judge Brian Martin, SunFM, Klaudia Van Emmerik, Global Okanagan Television, Sally Benson, Jazzercise Vernon Fitness Studio.
Platinum Sponsors were SunFM, the Morning Star, Wayside, Sproing Creative, Ruth McGrath Dance. Gold Sponsors were New Horizon Productions, Tambellini Design Studio, Vernon Atrium Hotel, Nucerity International. Silver Sponsors were Daniel and Dawn Trainor, Tracy Kaye Holly Dance Co and Bronze Sponsors were AcuTruss Industries, Davidson Pringle Lawyers, Pharmasave Nolan’s Pharmacy, Sanders Medical Inc, Schubert Centre, Summit Financial and VantageOne Credit Union.
“Each year we are blown away by the generosity of this community. This year has far exceeded our expectations.
We are so proud of all ten couples who worked tirelessly to raise so much money and go out of their comfort zone and perform a dance they’ve never done before. They did this all for hospice.
We absolutely feel so privileged to be a part of this as one of the coaching teams and can’t wait to get our couples for next year! Way to go everyone!” — Ruth & George Blencoe, Ruth McGrath Dance Co
“Thank you everyone for your support and generosity raising funds for Hospice! Heartfelt appreciation to everyone that contributed to the overall success of the 9th Annual Dancing with the Vernon Stars, the most successful to date!!! It has been a pleasure to meet and work with so many outstanding volunteers, dancers, coaches, sponsors, contractors and businesses in our amazing community – Vernon! In my mind every dancer is a winner, every person involved with this event, that lives in Vernon and /or the outlying area that NOHS serves is a WINNER!” Looking forward to planning the 10th Annual Dancing with the Vernon Stars! If you are interested in being one of the Celebrity Dancers, please contact me!— Shirley Higgins, Event Manager
“20 beautiful shining stars lit up the dance floor…each did a fantastic job, their hard work literally paid off!!!” Tracy Kaye Holly TKH Dance Co.” — Tracy Kaye Holly, TKH Dance Co
Dancing with the Vernon Stars continues to be a huge success for the North Okanagan Hospice Society (NOHS) and we are grateful to our Events Manager, Shirley Higgins, and to all our supporters and those involved, in helping us to not only achieve our fundraising goal but to take this event to a whole new level,” says Leslie Harvey, Financial Officer of NOHS. “We cannot thank our dancers, sponsors, coaches, judges, volunteers and organizers enough for their dedication to Hospice. The North Okanagan community has always stepped up when we’ve needed them so that we can continue to help those we care for at our facility in their end-of-life journey.” Leslie Harvey, NOHS, Financial Officer
“On behalf of those we serve, we thank the community of the North Okanagan for their support of end-of-life care in Vernon and area” Ruth Edwards, Executive Director, NOHS.
For more information, please contact:
Shirley Higgins
Events by Shirley
Event & Training Management
cell 250 309 9718
[email protected]